The Joy of the Lord is Victory!
Psalm 16:1-11
September 16-17, 2023
All right. It tells us in your introduction that David wrote this psalm, and it also says a Miktam of David. Now, David did not write that introduction, but one of the scribes who read the psalm and felt so strongly about it that he called it a Miktam, which of course, leads you to the question, okay, well, what is a Miktam then? Well, it's not a common Hebrew word at all. In fact, it's only used in ancient Hebrew.
The best approximation of its meaning is that it refers to valuable gold covering over something, likely with writings of precious, treasured value. In other words, it's not just the fact that it's a gold-covered whatever, it's what is written on it. Treasured words written on it. That's why I like to refer to this psalm and others as the golden psalm. You'll see why. I have been excited all week and looking forward to speaking on this psalm. This is truly one of the great ones.
Now, I love all the psalms, don't get me wrong, but there are just some psalms that stand out. You know what I'm saying? They're just so amazing that they are amazing. That's why it's a golden psalm. It stands above the rest. This is one of those psalms, literally where every word is treasured. You can memorize this psalm and treasure every word. It's so filled. Every word is amazing.
You must really understand each word. Now, it's also a psalm that has a direct reference to the resurrections of Jesus Christ, as we're going to see in it. Of course, the Messiah of Israel, the Redeemer of the world. Now, we know that there is a direct connection because Peter told us there was a direct connection in Acts 2, on the day of Pentecost. You remember the story, no doubt, when the Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples there and Pentecost.
A great multitude came together to see what this was. They were bewildered because of the power of the Holy Spirit that they were witnessing, and so they proclaimed, "What does this mean?" Peter stood up with the disciples and lifting up his voice, he declared to them that this is what the prophets foretold in Joel, and then said that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord would be saved.
Then Peter began to proclaim the resurrection. That this Jesus whom you crucified was raised from the dead, and in so doing, He broke the curse of death. He said, "This was foretold by David in--" quoting then Psalm 16 directly. Now, when you see the psalm in that light, well, every word takes on deeper meaning. When Christ was raised from the dead, He broke the curse of death, the condemnation that comes from sin, and that made possible, therefore, because of that, now we can have relationship with the Almighty.
Psalm 16 speaks of everything that flows out of that relationship with the Almighty. It's all contained in Psalm 16. That's why it is so amazing. Every verse, verse by verse, word by word, David describes the treasure, the value, the blessing that comes from relationship with the Almighty. David treasures it all. That's why it's a Miktam, a golden psalm. Such golden words are to be treasured. See the value of it. Many people, they just read through the Psalm and they don't understand the value.
I'm telling you, this is a golden psalm. This is one of the amazing golden psalms. Every word is amazing. You must truly see. It's one of the most beautiful, insightful, powerful psalms ever written. Take hold of the treasure. I'm thinking of an illustration. Ever seen one of those programs where there's an expert in antiques evaluating some relic, something has been sitting on the shelf for years and finally, the family here's, "Oh, the antique roadshow is coming into town. We ought take that old thing sitting on the shelf and see what it's worth. Maybe worth a few dollars."
They bring it in and they get in line, and then they bring it up to the guy. He looks at it and he turns it this way and that way. He starts to light up and he says, "This piece is the long lost sculpture of a famous artist. I would not insure this for less than $1 million." You're going, "Whoa. I had no idea of the value of what I had sitting on my shelf." It's like that. I had no idea of that psalm that was sitting in my Bible. That was like, "That's amazing."
I. Everything Good Comes from God
Let's read it. Psalm 16:1, "Preserve me, oh God--" which is a deeper word than help me, "--preserve me. Oh God, for I take refuge in you. I said to the Lord, You are my Lord." Okay, in the Hebrew it's more clear. "I said to Yahweh, you are my Adonai, my Lord, my Captain. I have no good besides you. As for the saints who are in the earth--", the saints, the holy ones, those who delight in the Almighty. "As for the saints who are in the earth, well, they are the majestic ones, in whom is all my delight." I delight in those who delight in the Almighty.
- The Lord is your inheritance
Now, "The sorrows of those who have bartered for another god their sorrows will be multiplied. I will not pour out their libations of blood, their drink offerings." I won't have anything to do with them. In fact, He says, "I will not even take their names upon my lips." Now verse 5, "The Lord is the portion of my inheritance, and the Lord is my cup, and He, you support my lot." We're going to look at this. It's amazing. "The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. The inheritance that I have received." God, you are my inheritance. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. "Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me." My heritage that I have in God, God is my heritage. My heritage is beautiful to me.
"I will bless the Lord who has counseled me. Indeed my mind instructs me in the night." Oh, this is deep. This is the deep understanding. "I have set the Lord continually before me because He's at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad and my glory rejoices. My flesh also will dwell securely for You, will not abandon my soul to Sheol." This is a declaration of the resurrection.
"I know that You will not abandon me to Sheol," the place of the dead, "Nor will You allow your Holy One to undergo decay." This is a direct reference to the Lord Jesus fulfilling it. "Therefore, You will make known to me the path of life, and in your presence, oh Lord, there is fullness of joy, and at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore."
At first look, you say, okay, that is good. That is really good. Oh, let's go deeper. It is the golden psalm, starting with what David declares. "Everything good comes from God." Notice how he starts out in verse 1. "Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in you." Now, the word "preserve me" here, it's a beautiful word. It literally means to be surrounded, to be hemmed in, to be protected on every side.
He says, "Preserve me, O Lord, for I take refuge in you." All right. Picture that might be this. It's like a man knocks on a door of a great house because he's seeking shelter from a storm or from some great trouble. He's knocking on the door, he needs help, and the owner of the house opens the door and invites you in. All right, you have found refuge, but there's more. You come in, you have found refuge in this great house, but there's a warm fire and wonderful books and sumptuous meals, and beautiful company. You have found more than refuge from a storm or trouble. You have found that you are in the company of the Almighty.
That's what David is declaring, verse 2, "I said to Yahweh, to Jehovah. You are my Adonai, You are my captain, my commander, my sovereign, and I have no good besides You." Now that reminds me, see, he's declaring, God compared to You, You are everything. All things good are in You.
Notice, I love James 1:17 he speaks similarly, "Every good thing given--" This is a great correlating verse out of the New Testament. "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights." God gave it to you. With whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. See what James is saying is similar in that everything wonderful and true comes from God. Everything good.
Now, I've often said, I mentioned it Wednesday, bears repeating, that anything I have, I want God to give it to me. If God gave it to me, it is good and it is wonderful. I want it to come from God's hand. Now, it's a great test. That thing that you delight in, from where did it come? Did it come from God's hand? If it did, if it came from God's hand, then it will be a great blessing to you. If it came from the world, no, it will not end well. Anything I have, I want God to give it to me because every good thing given comes from above, from the Father of lights.
David is saying something even deeper than that. David is saying, "I have no good besides you." In other words, no good thing compares to the good, the beauty, the wonder of having God Himself. Then, the rest of the psalm flows from that great truth. Notice where he goes then next, "The Lord is your inheritance." Notice verse 5, "The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup." Okay, G big word, "The Lord is the portion of my inheritance." This see it's the next high point of the song. It's like the crescendo of the chorus, it's to be sung. It's a crescendo of a chorus. It flows out of that great truth that there is no good compared to the wonder of God Himself.
Notice then, you see how David is building up to this high point. Notice verse 3, "As for the saints who are in the earth, they are the majestic ones in whom is my delight. I delight in the majestic ones." Now, the saints he's describing, as for the saints that are in the earth, he says, "The saints are the ones who have set themselves apart for God." They delight in the Almighty, and they have set themselves apart. It is the word Kadosh in the Hebrew.
Actually, this is an important word. I know sometimes a Hebrew word is not relevant, but this is. Kadosh is one of the great words in Hebrew, one of the wonderful words. It means set apart, but it's often translated holy in your Old Testament. When you read the word holy in the Bible, oftentimes it's the word Kadosh, and it means set apart. When we think of the world holy, we often think of moral perfection, the pure glory of God's moral perfection, but in the Old Testament, the word holy is often Kadosh, set apart.
In other words, Leviticus 19:2, "Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, "You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy."" You've heard that. The word is better translated like this, speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, you shall be Kadosh. You shall be set apart, for I the Lord your God I'm Kudosh, set apart. See God is set apart from all other gods. There is none like Him, that's the declaration. There is none like God. He stands above them all so-called gods.
Notice Psalm 86:8-10, "There is no one like You among the gods oh Lord. All the nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, Lord, and they will glorify Your name, for You are great and You do wondrous deeds, and You alone are God." He is set apart. There is none like Him. He says, "I am set apart. I Want you to be set apart." In other words, come away, my beloved. Come away from the world. Come away from that mess. Come away from the worldliness and come, my beloved.
There are those who have set themselves apart because they delight in the Almighty. David delights in them. David calls them the majestic ones. Don't you love that description? There are certain people in the earth that are the majestic ones. I don't know, I love that description. Wouldn't you like to be one of those? Imagine David knows you, sees your life, and says, "Ah, you are one of those, the majestic ones. You are the-- Ah, you delight in the Almighty. You set yourself apart. You are one of the majestic ones."
Now, because David delights in the Almighty, his closest associates are those who also delight in the Almighty. That is a life lesson itself, because David delights in the Almighty, his closest associates are those who delight in the Almighty. Can you imagine what a blessing it would be in your life if your closest associates delight in the Almighty? I mean, what a blessing they would be to your life. Let me just tell you something. I am blessed. I am so, so, so blessed. You know why I'm blessed? Well, many reasons. I'll tell you one reason.
I am so, so blessed because my closest associates delight in the Almighty. I have wonderful, wonderful friends. Many of them are on staff at the church, the pastors that we have, the leaders that we have here. They are my closest friends, and I tell you, they delight in the Almighty, and I delight in them. I'm truly blessed. Amen. I want you to be blessed. Choose your associates well. Delight in the majestic ones. Find them. They're in the world. They're in the earth. They're around. Find majestic ones, and then let them be your closest associates.
The majestic ones, I want to find them. I want them in my life. Here's a part of David's life, it's very interesting. Remember when David-- I referred to it recently when David faced down the Philistine giant at the Valley of Elah? You remember this story, right? Well, when David went out there and faced down that giant, it tells us that Saul's son, Jonathan, was there. Soul's son, Jonathan, saw this whole scene unfold. He was there when David went out there and the Philistine giant says, what? You send out a boy? What? Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks? What?
His disdained for David is clear and he's cussing up a storm. Then David famously answers, "You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord, God of Israel whom you have just taunted. The Lord will give you into our hands this day so that the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel." Then there's Jonathan watching this whole scene unfold. That's amazing. He's going to face this giant, and it's all God.
Then the Philistine giant started to come to David, so David took the stones that he had from the brook and he started to-- The great sling, a sling that David had is not anything like the slings we grew up with when I was a kid. We used to take surgical tubing and [sound]-- I mean you could really put someone’s eye out with that thing. At least that's what my mom said, but David's sling, it was probably three, four feet long with leather straps and a good-sized rock smooth and he [sound]. Can you imagine the speed? Then he let that thing go. I tell you, it was directed by the Holy Spirit of the living God.
Now, don't get me wrong, David was a good marksman, but it was supported by God. Then the route was on. Of course, David ran to the Philistine, took his sword, he removed his head, and then the battle ensued as the Philippines fled and the army of Israel pursued them. Then when it was all done, David came and reported to Saul. "Whose son are you?" He's going to give him many rewards.
This is first Samuel 18:1. "Now, it came about that when David had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David and Jonathan loves him as himself." That is amazing. That is an amazing man right there. That is amazing. I respect and love a man like that. That's what David says. I find people that delight in the Almighty, and they're my closest associates. When you see someone with faith like that, delight in them.
In contrast, David continues in the psalm, in beautiful Hebrew poetry in contrast, David speaks of those who do not delight in the Almighty. "They are bartered with the gods of the world" he says, "I will not even take their names on my lips." I will have nothing to do with them.
Verse 4, he says, "they will find--" those who barter with the gods of the world,"-- they will find that their sorrows will be multiplied". See, David knows very well. Their sorrows will be multiplied. David says, "I want no such sorrows." I do not want to associate with them. Their sorrows will be multiplied. I want no such sorrows. "No, I will not pour out their libations of blood" he said. In other words, I will not join them when they give their drink offerings to the world. I will not even mention, I will not even take their names upon my lips. No.
B. Your heritage is beautiful
Then he continues in beautiful Hebrew poetry, when he says-- he turns his attention back to God, "Your heritage is beautiful to me." My inheritance is beautiful to me. This is what I have. See, that's why you must make this psalm, the golden psalm of your heart. You must make this psalm the golden psalm. "Your heritage is beautiful."
Notice verse 3, where he says, "the lines have fallen to me in pleasant places." Pleasantness is a better translation pleasantness. "The lines have fallen to me in pleasantness. My heritage indeed, is beautiful to me". Now, at that time in Israel, one could receive an inheritance typically of land. Then upon hearing that you have an inheritance, what would you do? Well, you would want to know the lines. You would want to know the borders of what you have inherited.
David says in verse 5, "the Lord is the portion of my inheritance" where are the lines? You just got word you have an inheritance. You go, whoa, I have an inheritance? That's amazing. Oh, where are the lines? I want to know the borders. How much did I get? How much did I inherit? How many acres or he hectors or whatever it is? How much did I inherit? You want to go check out the borders, right?
He writes, "The Lord--" is what I inherited "--is the portion of my inheritance. You support my lot." Okay, what does that mean? Well, he said, "The lines have fallen into me in pleasant places--" pleasantness. Every part of those verses right there is beautiful. Every word is beautiful. Every word right there, every phrase is beautiful. When Israel first entered the promised land, they divided it up into sections according to the tribes of Israel by lot, same word, by lot. Then each of those sections was further subdivided according to family, again, by lot.
In fact, today even we use the word, when someone receives a portion of something, we say it's their allotment, comes from the same word. That's your allotment. It fell to you. Where are the borders? They determined it by lot. David says, "I love the lot. I love the lot of my inherits. The lines have fallen to me." See, by lot, they determine, where do the lines fall? He says, "You support my lot."
Literally, Your hand made the lines. Your hand did it. You made the lines. God, you controlled the lot. The lines that fell. You determine them. God is my lot. "God is my portion," David says, "The lines have fallen into me in pleasantness. My heritage is beautiful to me." See, it's beautiful. I tell you, to understand this right here, is victory in itself. To understand this is victory itself. It is one of the most beautiful and powerful understandings in the whole Bible.
That my heritage is beautiful to me. If you can only understand the depth of the beauty of what you have received in God, the lots have fallen into you in beautiful places. May your heritage be beautiful to you. I mentioned this before, it is so important, I want to mention again.
Have you ever seen YouTube videos of someone who's colorblind and then the birthday is coming up, and so the family gets together and gives this colorblind fellow, for his birthday, they give him glasses. Now, the glasses are special glasses. I don't know if you've ever seen these, but these are really touching videos. They have glasses now that can make colorblind people see in color. For his birthday, he opened the gift and it's glasses. They look like sunglasses.
He's like, "Oh, that's nice. Sunglasses. Very thoughtful. Thank you". "No, no, no, no, no, no. Put them on." "Oh, I can do that later". "No, no, put them on. We really want you to put them on." Of course, they know what they are. They've got balloons that are yellow and red and blue. Everyone's wearing like red and blue shirts, they're vibrant in color. "Put them on, put them on, put them on."
He takes out the glasses and he puts them on. "Whoa! Is this the way you see? Is this real?" Now, by this point, he's crying, "It's beautiful. I had no idea. This is normal? This is life? This is normal? This is the way you see?" Yes. He walks outside and sees the sky and trees and the flowers. He's weaving and crying. "Oh, it's beautiful. I had no idea. All my life, I had no idea."
He sees, but he did not see before. Now he sees in color. Here's why I love that illustration. Once you see that your heritage is beautiful, that the lot has fallen to you at beautiful places, you have seen what many do not see. It is the beauty, the color of beauty, of glory, of what God does on the soul is beautiful. I say to you that once you see it, you'll never see the Scriptures the same again. They're beautiful. That's what he says. "My heritage is beautiful to me." That's what he says, "I will not associate with those who barter with the world. I won't even take their name on my lips because my lot has fallen into me in the Lord, and my lot is pleasant to me." It's pleasant to me. It's beautiful to me. My heritage is beautiful.
II. Set the Lord Before You Continually
Then he goes on to say this, "Therefore, I set the Lord continually before me." It's beautiful so I set the Lord-- Make that personal, set the Lord before you continually. Verse 8, "I have set the Lord continually before me. This is my heritage, it's pleasantness itself to me. It is beautiful to me." See what David is saying? "I have no good besides You. You are the greatest good of my life. My heritage is beautiful to me." Then he speaks of what he receives from the Lord when he sets the Lord continually before him. Notice verse 7. "I will bless the Lord who has counseled me. I set the Lord continually before me, and I bless Him because He has counseled me."
A. The Lord’s counsel is wonderful
See the Lord's counsel is beautiful. It comes out of setting the Lord continually before you and that you're dwelling in the beauty of the Almighty and therefore, He begins to speak. counsel, He begins to pour out to your life, counsel and His counsel is wonderful. God's counsel will bless your life.
Notice verse 11, where he says, "You make known to me the path of life," right? The counsel of-- You are making known to me the path of life. Notice, for example, Isaiah 30:21. Similarly, he says, "Your ears will hear a word behind you." As you walk your way, your ears will hear a word, "This is the way. Walk this way. Do not go there. Go here." The counsel of the Lord is guiding. The counsel of Lord is speaking. Isaiah 9:6, we read it every Christmas, "A child will be more born to us. A son will be given to us, and the government will rest on His shoulders, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor," not just counselor. Wonderful.
God's Word to you is not just advice. God's Word to you is beautiful. God's Word is beautiful on the soul. God's Word is not just commands to be followed. The counsel of the Lord is beautiful on the soul. His counsel is wonderful. His counsel is beautiful. See, God is making known to you the counsel, the path of life. Then he later says, "And in Your presence, there is fullness of joy." Fullness of joy. How many people-- We can do a show of hands. How many people would like to have some joy in their life? Yes, right, of course, we want to have joy. David says, I know where joy is. I know where there is fullness of joy."
He later says, "My cup overflows" do we know? It's wonderful. God is making known to you life, His presence, His fullness. When you write God's Word on your-- when you set the Lord continually before you and the counsel of the Lord, you hear, it will be there when you need it the most.
See verse 7, notice verse 7 is fascinating word to me. Verse 7, I'm telling you right here, you could write a book. I could write a book on verse 7. It is amazing. Notice "Indeed my mind instructs me in the night." Is his mind separate from him? Literally, my heart instructs me, but there there is this, set the Lord before you, He will counsel you that which is wonderful and you'll have a living treasure of wisdom, like a living library of glorious treasure of wisdom, because you accept the Lord before you, you are receiving the living treasure of wisdom like a library of wonder. That's what you are receiving.
Notice Hebrews 5:14 says something similar, "Solid food--" he's talking about here the Word, the milk of the Word or some people need the ABCs, the elementary things. He's challenging them to long for the deeper things, the solid things, the wonderful things. Long for the deeper things. Solid food. He says, solid food now is for the mature. "Milk is for babies, but solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil." What does the word sense mean?
In Greek, it is the faculty of your mind. Training the faculty of your mind. How? By setting the Lord continually before you, by delighting in the Almighty and recognizing that your heritage is beautiful and that His counsel is wonderful, and that you are receiving a living treasure of golden wisdom for life. You are then training the faculty of your mind to be able to discern good and evil.
The counsel of God's heart will advise you when you need it because you have been filling your soul with a living treasure of glorious wisdom, it will be there when you need it. When you're in a conflict, when you have trouble, when you don't know what to do, when you need discernment, when you need insight and understanding. God show me the path of life. Show me the way through this. Navigate with me through this trouble. Lord, You are the treasure of my life. Your Word is the glory of wisdom and You have counseled me. My mind instructs me in the night. It's there when you need it.
Now, this is for the spiritually mature who because they have been putting this into their life, they have trained the faculty of their mind to be able to discern good from evil. That is good, that is evil. That is good. That is pleasant. That is wonderful. That will harm. That is not good. I don't want that. I want this. The discernment that comes. Jesus spoke to this also because, please hear this. Please hear this. I love you. God does not want you weak. God does not want you weak-minded. God does not want you weak of soul. God wants you strong of soul. When David stood in front of that giant, you can believe he was not weak of soul. God wants you strong a soul. This is what Jesus said.
Luke 6:47-48. "Everyone who comes to me and hears my words--," His words are a treasure. His words are the living treasure of wonderful counsel that are pleasant and beautiful on the soul. "Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and acts on them--" lives by them, "--I will show you whom he is like. He is like a man building a house who dug deep, laid a foundation on a rock, and when then the flood occurred--", troubles, difficulties, storms, conflicts, challenges, "--when the flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house, but it could not shake it because it was well built." You see there's deeper words here.
B. You will not be shaken
God does not want you weak, does not want you weak-minded or weak of soul. Strengthen the house. Build it well, strengthen-- This is the posts, the beams, the steel, the rock, build the soul. How? By seeing that your heritage is beautiful and set the Lord continually before you. His counsel is wonderful. It's beautiful. Then He says, "You will not be shaken." Notice verse 8, Psalm 16 says the very same word. Psalm 16:8, "Because He's at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Now, the writer of Hebrews says that in the later days, there will be a great shaking upon the earth. The earth is going to be shaken. Now we know this is so. We see the Scriptures indicating the signs of the times.
The writer of Hebrews says, every thing that can be, will be shaken, so that those things which cannot be shaken will remain. David wrote, "I will not be shaken." See, I will not be destroyed, you will not abandon me to Sheol. I know in whom I found my life. Now there is a greater counting coming to the earth, we are living in those days that Jesus said are the birth pangs leading up to the latter days. We are seeing the signs of the times unfolding before our eyes.
In those days, everything that can be, will be shaken, so that those things that cannot be shaken will remain. When Jesus was raised from the dead, He defeated death and the condemnation of sin for those found in Him, He was the first fruit of the resurrection. Those who follow Him, will find the path of life. For God sent His Son to lead many sons to glory. How many times did Jesus say, "Follow me"? He will lead many sons to glory. Follow me. Follow Him where? Philip says, "We do not know where You're going."
I am the way. I am the truth. I am the life. I am the way to the Father. No man comes to the Father but by me, but how do you follow Him? By communion. By communion? Communion is a symbol of a deeper truth. It's a symbol only of something far deeper. When you partake of His death, when you follow Him by partaking in that death, you're being baptized, Romans 6, you're being baptized into His death. Galatians 2:20, "I've been crucified with Christ, and the life that I now live, I no longer live in the flesh but by faith in the One who gave His life for me." You follow Him. By partaking of that, you are also then partaking of His resurrection.
Then you partake of the newness of life that comes from that resurrection, He is leading many sons to glory. That's why, Peter on that day of Pentecost, Acts 2:29-33, "He stood up that day, and he proclaimed, "Brethren, I may confidently say to you regarding the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day, and so because he was a prophet, he was looking ahead and he spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, of the Christ, that He was neither abandoned to Hades, nor did His flesh suffer decay.
This Jesus, God raised up again, therefore, having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, which is poured forth, this which you have both seen and heard today. What shall we do to be saved?"" 3000 came to faith that day. David finishes the psalm powerfully, just as powerful as it began. As a result of looking ahead and seeing the resurrection of the Lord, the Messiah of Israel. He said, "My life will not be shaken. You will not abandon me to Sheol. I know in whom I have believed."
God will make known to the path of life and in His presence, there is fullness of joy, and at the right hand of God, there are pleasures forevermore. Until your soul is delighted in God, it does not know life. Life is found in Him and there is no other. I am the way, the truth and the life. Until you know the life of the Spirit of the Living God, until your soul is made alive, you do not know life. Put on these glasses and you will see the living color of the glory of God. He will lead many sons to glory. There is life. You make known to me, life, the path of life.
God wants to build something beautiful, something beautiful in your life. Settle for nothing less. Compromise no more. Settle for nothing less than the beauty of what God wants to give to you in your life. God wants you strong. God wants you blessed. God wants you victorious. God wants to lead you to glory. How many agree with me?
Father, we are so truly blessed. Oh what a golden psalm. How beautiful. What can we say? You have blessed us. We are truly blessed. Our heritage is beautiful. The lines have fallen to us in beautiful places. We will set You before us continually, we delight in the Almighty. We love You. We honor You.
Church, tell me we're saying that to the Lord today. I want this beauty in my life. I see it now. This heritage that God gives is beautiful to me too. I want this. I want my soul to be made beautiful because of what He has done to it. Church, would you raise your hand if that is your prayer, your desire that you would delight in the Almighty and say, "God, do that in me. Do that in me, Lord."
Father, thank You for everyone stirred of God, moved by the Spirit. You are leading many sons to glory and so we honor You and we praise Your glorious, glorious name in Jesus' name and everyone said-- Let's give the Lord praise and glory and honor. Amen? Amen.