In the Shadow of the Almighty
Psalm 91:1-16
March 16-17, 2025
Psalm 91 is truly one of the great ones. In fact, I was talking to someone after the first service who said, "My wife and I read this Psalm every day." It's one of those Psalms where it is filled with amazing promises. One of the most quoted of all of the Psalms is one of those where every verse is filled with great truths. You can memorize this Psalm right on the tablet of your heart and just be blessed because of what has been given to us in the Psalm.
Many books have been written just on this one Psalm. Many more books will be written. Now, the theme of the Psalm, it has everything to do with your relationship to God. That your relationship to God is the bearing of your soul and will have real-world impact on your life. What happens in your soul when you abide in the nearness of God, that relationship of intimacy and nearness with the Almighty is that God delights in those who delight in Him and then pours out His hand of favor and blessing and protection upon those who trust in Him.
This Psalm gives a deep understanding of what relationship to God can be. Now, the introduction does not tell us who wrote the Psalm. Many Jewish scholars have traditionally ascribed it to Moses who wrote Psalm 90. If anyone understood the depths of the nearness of God, of dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty, surely it would be Moses. Remember that when Moses led the people out of Israel and they came to Mount Sinai, that there on that mountain, Moses spent 40 days in the presence of the Almighty. There he dwelt in glory and the beauty of the nearness of God.
Afterward, then he made a tent some distance outside the camp, and he called it the Tent of Meeting. Anyone who had the desire could go out to that place, that tent of meeting, and meet with God. Now, what an invitation. Anyone who has a desire can meet with God. It tells us that whenever Moses would leave his tent to go outside the camp, to go to the Tent of Meeting, that the people would stand on their feet and then all watch him as he went out to that tent.
There it tells us that that cloud, remember that cloud, that glory of God's presence that dwelt with Israel would descend upon the tent when Moses would meet with God. It says that God would speak to Moses like a man speaks to a friend. That is beautiful. Moses understands what the depths of that glory can be. We would do very well to listen to the words of Moses. This Psalm is so powerful, so filled with promises, blessings, that if you took hold of the depth of the Psalm, it would change your life.
I. May Your Soul Dwell in the Secret Place
Let's read it. Psalm 91, beginning in verse 1. "He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." What a great verse is that. That is one of the most quoted verses of all the Psalms and maybe of all the Bible. It is filled with glory. He who abides in the shadow of the Almighty. Then he continues, "I will say to the Lord--" Now, by the way, when you see Lord in all caps, it is the name, God's name, Yahweh, Jehovah, YHVH.
"I will say to the Lord, my refuge, my fortress, my God in whom I trust for it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper, from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His pinions." Here he gives the imagery of an eagle who protects her young. "Under His wings, you may seek refuge. His faithfulness is a shield about you, a bulwark." That is an earthwork that protects. Verse 5, "You'll not be afraid of the terror by night or the arrow that flies by day, or of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.
A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not approach you. You'll only look on with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. For you have made the Lord--" Again the name of God there. "For you have made the Lord my refuge. Even the most high, your dwelling place." You have made the Lord your place that your soul will dwell. "No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent. For he will give his angels charge concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
They will bear you up in their hands lest you strike your foot against the stone. You will tread upon the lion in the cobra, the young lion and the serpent, you will trample down." Then verse 14, the grand finale, the chorus comes in verse 14. "Because He has loved me, declares the Lord, therefore I will deliver him. I will set him securely on high because he has known my name. He will call upon me, I will answer him, and I will be with him in trouble. I will rescue him. I will honor him, and with a long life, I will satisfy him, and I will let him behold my salvation."
Now, that is a good Psalm. That's filled with glory. The application that which we can take hold of and so many here, you could give many messages from so many verses in this Psalm. Notice the message, the theme is personal. May your soul dwell in the secret place. See, notice verse 1 where it says, "He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." Well, that word shelter in Hebrew is most often translated secret place.
A. God’s Presence is beautiful on the soul
In other words that the nearness of God and intimacy of nearness where your soul abides in that place, something beautiful happens when your soul abides there in that nearness of God, in the shadow of the Almighty. Oh, so beautiful, and that becomes the foundation of the entire Psalm. We need to know what it means. We need our soul to dwell there in that secret place in the shadow of the Almighty, something powerful and glorious happens upon the soul.
See, what this Psalm proclaims is that when you delight in the Almighty, oh God delights in you and delights to pour His favor and the hand of protection upon your life. God is looking, the eyes of the Lord are looking for those who delight in Him in order to show Himself strong in their behalf. God's hand will be on your life. It all comes out of that great theme that God's presence is beautiful, and God's presence is beautiful on the soul. Your soul is meant to dwell in the nearness of the glory of the Almighty. Sends you a beautiful picture.
At the Tent of Meeting, as I described, God would speak to Moses face to face as a man speaks to a friend. Now, there's that picture, as a man speaks to a friend. Jesus said to his disciples, "I do not call you slaves I call you friends." God wants relationship. God wants you to desire a relationship like that. Beautiful, that the glory of God would be your desire. Oh, what God will do is beautiful in the soul. Now, there's a contrast.
See, God wants you to see how beautiful and pleasant it is to dwell in the nearness of God, but the contrast. Those who are stubborn, hardness of heart, self-focused, selfish in every regard, those who resist God, those who are wandering in the wilderness, determined to walk their own path of independent self-sufficiency. They will soon find themselves wrestling against God, troubles and difficulty. Oh, it never ends well. See, you see the contrast at that scene there at Mount Sinai, where remember, there's Moses. He's on the mountain dwelling, literally in the beauty and the glory of God for 40 days. I mean, day after. Can you just imagine with me, dwelling in the glory for 40 days?
Now, meanwhile, Israel, they're at the base of the mountain. They got impatient. We don't know what has become of him. They became impatient, and they said to Aaron, his brother, "Make us a god that we would have a god over us." He took their gold earrings and whatever, and melted in and fashioned the golden calf. Then he said, "Behold your god's oh, Israel, who led us out of the Egypt." Then it says, they began to revel in this. They started to worship it through revelry and party. It got ugly. What a contrast is this? There's Moses, he's in the glory, in the beauty of God's presence, and there's Israel down there now reveling in this thing, this party.
As Moses is coming now down after the 40 days, he's descending, and there was Joshua who had been waiting for him and is descending down the mountain, Joshua says, "I hear sound. There's a war cry. There's the sound of war coming from the camp." Moses says, "That's not the sound of war. That's music. That's what I hear. They're having a party." He comes down there and sure enough, revelry and there's this dancing, lewd, it became just lewd. Moses, he's been dwelling in the glory of God. He sees this, and remember the scene, he gets angry, throws it down and smashes it. What a contrast.
Later, shortly after God said to Moses, "Lead these people up. I promise I'll give them the land. I will give them the land. You lead them up, but my presence will not be in your midst." Moses responded and said, "If your presence does not go with us, do not lead us from this place." See, Moses understood the importance, the necessity, the beauty. No, he's saying. He's saying in other words, "If your presence doesn't go with us, we don't want to go anywhere. We have to have your presence." Moses understood your presence it's more important than anything else in my life.
God said that He would give to Israel a land. "I would give you a land flowing with milk and honey." Moses is saying, "I don't want the land unless you're in the land with us. I don't want the milk, I don't want the honey, I don't want anything else, unless you are in the midst of it, you are more important than anything else. Then Moses wrote Psalm 91 to describe the beauty of God's presence. Oh, he's saying to us, "If you would only understand, oh, what it can do, what the transforming power of God will do, oh, if you can just understand." You can just see Him wanting Israel to understand it. Take hold of this great and deep truth, for it truly will transform you.
B. Nearness with God will transform you
The nearness of God will transform you. Something happens upon you there. Notice that what it comes from in verse 14, "Because He has loved me," God says, "Because He has loved me, because He has known my name, I will do this." See, this that speaks to that heart, "Because You known my name," because you delight to abide in the nearness of God, "and You know My name." See, the name of God means something to you. Because the name of God means something to you. Many, I think, have lost the idea that God has a name. See, whenever you see again the word, LORD, in all caps, it's the name of God. God has a name, but it's LORD in all caps, which is the title. To me, it's not as powerful as writing His name. God has a name.
See, when you see it that way, you understand how personal it is. God has a name and He wants You to call Him by His name. Like you and I, we have a name. My name is Richard. That's what my mom used to call me when I was in trouble. My friends call me Rich. My sisters used to call me Richie. I'm over that, but it's a name. It's a very personal name. You have a name. When people know you by your name, it speaks to a relationship. God has a name. How to say His name, it's been lost in time because Israel did not want to speak His name, believing that it's too great of a name to be spoken by human lips. In so doing, they lost out on the intimacy of it.
God wants you to call Him by name. "You've known My name." His name means something to you. See, and then, when you want to be near Him, to know His name, you want to know His ways. I want to know what you are like. What is your heart? I want to know more. It's like this, Moses, afterward, when all this happened was praying, interceding, and then in that prayer, he said some amazing things. Exodus 33:13, where he said, "Now therefore, I pray to the Lord, let me know Your ways that I may know You, that I might find favor at your side." I want to know Your ways. I want to know the ways that You move, because I want to know You. I want to know You more. What are the ways of God? How does He move?
See, when you abide in the shadow of the Almighty, you understand His heart, His ways, and then you desire His ways to become your ways. I want to be like that. Because it's beautiful, it's glory. I want to be like that. You want to know His ways so that His ways become your ways for His ways are higher than your ways and my ways. His ways are glory. Here's an example. He said in Exodus 23:4, if you meet your enemy's ox or his donkey wandering away, got loose out of the pen or whatever, it's wandering there in the wilderness, and you see that, no, you shall return it to him. Now, that's not the way most people are.
See, most people, let's say you have-- Again, some enemy, this person doesn't like you, whatever, this person thinks you're the enemy and they speak rude things, they're speaking about you poorly, they're against you, they devise schemes against you, they treat you like their enemy, and then one day, you're out and about and you see, is that the ox or the donkey of my enemy? Oh, it looks like he's gotten out of the pen. Looks like he's wandering in the wilderness. "Wow. This serves him right, that old goat. I hope he gets eaten by jackals, that would serve him." That's the way many people would be. "Oh, you want to treat me that way? Well, then let bad things happen to you."
God says, "That's not my way. If you see your enemy's ox or donkey wandering away, go get it. Bring it back to him. I found your donkey, it got loose, was out in the wilderness. Here it is. I brought it back to you." "Wow, you did that for me? That's amazing. Thank you." God says, "Yes, that's My way right there." When you know God's heart, you know His ways. Exodus 22:26-27, another one. "If you take your neighbor's cloak as a pledge," let's say-- Again, a lot of poverty in those days, a person might say, "Can I borrow 100 shekels? I'll give you my cloak as a pledge."
Now, a cloak, many would have only one and it would be very, very important to them. If it got really cold at night, they would need to sleep in it. He says, "If you take your neighbor's cloak as a pledge, I want you to return it to him before the sun sets. He may need it. It's going to be cold. I want you to do that because I am gracious. That is my way. I am gracious. You do that." See, God is gracious. That is His way. Oh, we love the grace of God. We love the grace, especially when we're on the receiving part of it. Grace. Oh, we love grace. It's one of the wonderful aspects of who God is. Grace. You know what grace is, right? The undeserved favor of God. That's grace. Oh, I could tell you so many stories of God's grace. I'll give you one. Here's an example. This was a time when I got stopped for speeding.
Let me just set the record straight. No, it was years and years and years ago, years ago. What happened was I was either at home or the office, I don't remember. My son called and he said, "I'm at school. I feel sick. Can you please come and get me and take me home? I don't feel well, I feel sick. Please hurry, dad." I think the background, I'm going through the neighborhood route. Sure enough, a sheriff's deputy on a motorcycle pulled me over and he said, "Where are you going?" I said, "I'm going to pick up my son who is sick at school."
The look on his face was, "Uh-huh, good one." Then he says, "What do you do for a living?" Man, why do you have to ask that? "Well, I'm a pastor." "Oh, you're a pastor. Yes, I'll be right back." He's gone for a while and then he comes back and he says, "So you're a pastor." "Yes." "You tell me, what should I do?" Exactly. I said, "Well, I was speeding, so I deserve a ticket." However, grace is a good thing. "I'll be right back."
He's gone for a while. He comes back and he says, "Now, I see here on your license that you and I have the same birthday, and I never give anyone a ticket that shares my birthday. Happy birthday." Yes. Oh God. We love God's grace, especially when we receive it. When you abide in the shadow of the Almighty, something happens. His way of grace becomes your way of grace. How does a person change? How does a person become transformed? Is it possible to change? Is it possible for a person's life to be transformed? Yes, but how? The answer is found here, by abiding there, in the shadow of the Almighty.
When your soul dwells there, life is changed, you are transformed. How does a person become more loving? When you are abiding in the shadow of the Almighty, God is love, and God's way of love becomes your way because you are dwelling in the glory of the one who is love. Love is then filling your soul with that glorious aspect of God who then becomes your way. How does a person become holy? God says, "Be you holy as I'm holy."
Can a person change? Can a person arise in righteousness in their life, in their living? Yes, it is very much so. How does that happen? It is not done by self-effort. This is a great error that many people have in their minds, that God is expecting them to somehow pull themselves up by their righteous bootstraps. No, there is no such thing as self-effort in this way. There is no such thing. It will always fail.
II. When God is Your Dwelling Place…
There is only one way and that is when you dwell, when your soul abides in the shadow of the Holy God of the Most High, then something happens on your soul. You delight in that glory. God's glory is beautiful on the soul. God's glory is transforming in power and will do that which is beautiful on your soul. You will be transformed in the presence of the glory of the living God. Amen. Can we give the Lord praise and glory for that? It's a great truth. Amen.
Then the result of it, when God is your dwelling place, what God will then do? See, notice verse 9. Again, it's the theme. Verse 9, "For you have made the Lord my refuge, the Most High," El Elyon, the Most High. "Your dwelling place." Then that verse summarizes the rest of the Psalm. When you have settled this in your heart, when you have resolved that God is the dwelling place for your soul, that only there in the secret place of the Most High where you find life, only there in the shadow of the Almighty will your soul be satisfied.
A. God will be your deliverer
When you have settled that, oh, God delights in those who delight in Him and will cover your life. That's what the psalm says, "Will cover your life with the protection, and favor, and blessing of God." Notice, for example, verse 14, "God will be your deliverer for those." Notice, verse 14, "Because he has loved me, therefore I will deliver him." I will do this. I delight in those who delight in Me, and I will put My hand on Your life, and I will deliver you out of that trouble.
Notice, it's a theme. We see it also in verses two and three, "I will say to the Lord, 'You are my God in whom I trust' for it is He who will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence." What does that mean, the snare of the fowler, the trap of the fowler? A fowler was someone who would catch fowl or birds, and then that's what they would do in those days. Very difficult to shoot a bird with a bow and arrow, and they didn't have birdshot, so how would they catch the birds? They would consume and such by traps.
It became a picture there in this psalm of spiritual warfare that the enemy has set his trap and aims to catch you in that trap. If he can catch you in that trap, he will defeat you. God says, "I will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, for those who abide in Me will not fall into that trap. I will save you, I would deliver you out of that because you were abiding in the nearness of God. Notice, for example, it's very something similar in 1 Peter 5:8 where he writes, "Be of sober spirit, be on the alert."
Now, the word sober there is, I, in my view, not the best word to interpret that. What it means is more than just like, "Don't be drunk." No, oh, it's way more than that. Sober spirit means that you are dwelling in the nearness of God and that the strength of the Almighty abides upon you, and now, you are on the alert spiritually because then he says, "Because your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." We are living in times of tremendous spiritual warfare. Anybody agree with me? The enemy is prowling about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.
See, when lions are on the hunt, they prowl about looking for those who are weak, those who are separated from the group. Those who are wandering alone in the wilderness are very weak and vulnerable to that spiritual attack. When you abide in the shadow of the Almighty, you are abiding in the glory of the one who has strengthened Himself, and your own soul then arises in strength because you are dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty. Notice, for example, James 4:7-8, "You resist the devil, and He will flee from you.
B. His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark
See, you draw near to God and He will draw near to you. The result will be that on your life. Notice then what He says in verse four, that His faithfulness is a shield and a bulwark. He will cover you with His protective hand. He starts out in verse four, He will cover you with His pinions, a picture of an eagle protecting her young. Then he goes to the shield, as a picture of God's protection, His hand upon your life. Interestingly, of course, he's speaking here of spiritual warfare.
God's hand will protect you from the snare of the fowler. He will protect you in times of trouble and contention in this life. Paul uses a very similar picture and analogy of the shield in times of spiritual warfare and battle. Ephesians 6 is famous, of course, for Paul describing the armor of the victorious one, and he uses the shield. Interestingly, Paul's letter to the church was almost a parallel to this Psalm. The insight that Paul gives is like hand in hand parallel. Notice Ephesians 3:16-19, this is where there's perhaps one of Paul's most famous prayers for the church.
He says, "I bow my knees before the Father and pray that He would grant you according to the riches of His glory, see," you can't miss that part, "That He would grant you. This is my prayer that God would grant you according to the rich, the depth of the riches of His glory, that you would be strengthened with power through His spirit in the inner man, in the soul that abides within, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And that you may be able to comprehend, oh, if you could only comprehend the breadth, the length, the height, the depth to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge.
That you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Wouldn't that be glorious to be filled up to all the fullness of God? How many people want to be filled up to the fullness of God? Amen. Can you just imagine with me what your life would be like, what your soul would be like? How is it? How does a person get filled with the fullness of God? Only one way, by abiding, your soul abiding in the shadow of the Almighty. Something happens there in the glory. See, this Psalm declares that God's faithfulness is the shield about you. Paul said similarly, do I take up the shield of faith.
The shield is a beautiful picture. In the Roman soldier of the first century, would use a shield made of wood covered with leather, strapped with metal bands, slightly curved to fit the shape of the body, about four and a half by two and a half in size. With these mechanisms on the edges, that soldiers could lock their shields together to form what they call the tortoise to great effect. It's a wonderful picture of believers who are lacking shields, lacking faith, lacking relationship. There is something glorious that happens when we as a family, as a church, abide together in the glory of God.
We are strengthened together. That's why he speaks of not forsaking the assembly of your gatherings together because something glorious happens when we lock our shields, when we lock our lives, when we lock our relationships together, you are stronger together. It connects that to faith. Faith is strengthened together. See, one of the key strategies, we're speaking of spiritual warfare. One of the key strategies of the enemy is to attack your faith. If he can get you to doubt, then you would be in a weakened spiritual state. Fear is the opposite of faith.
Arise in your faith, it's a very important key. That's what happens when you're abiding in the shadow of the Almighty, faith arises in the strength of the glory of God. There is this picture, we've been speaking about Israel after they came out of Egypt, and interestingly, after they came out of the captivity of Egypt, went into the desert, they actually made a fairly straight run toward the promised land. I mean, they were within the doorway, the doorstep of the promised land, literally in months.
They then sent out these 12 spies to spy out the land, consider it, bring back a report of the conditions of the land. When they came back with the report, 10 of the 12 brought back a report that struck fear in the hearts of the people. Oh yes, it's a land filled with milk and honey. Oh yes, the pomegranates and the grapes are amazing, but there are giants on the land and the cities are fortified. "This is too much we cannot do it. It's too much. We must turn back. We must turn back." Even though that was the very reason that God brought them out of there was to give them this land.
"No, we cannot do it." Fear struck them and they were defeated. "We must go back. We must go back." Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear is the prison of the soul. You must not be taken captive by fear. Notice, back to Psalm 91. Notice verse five. "You'll not be afraid." Again, he's speaking to those who abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Those who dwell in the intimacy, the secret place of the Most High. Something arises in your soul, you will not be afraid of the terror by night or the arrow of the flies by day, or the pestilence that stalks at darkness or the destruction that lays waste at noon. No, God does not want us to be taken by fear, let faith arise.
What do we have to be afraid of? Well, they could take my life. Paul would say, well, it's a dying's gain. I would be in the presence of my Lord and Savior. That's what, that is not defeat for me, that's victory. What if I'm persecuted and they bring harm to me? Paul would say, well, then I'll count it and honor to be persecuted from the name of my Lord and Savior. Well then what if I lose all my possessions? Well, God is the strength of my life and God is my inheritance, Paul would say, what do you do with a God like that?
Faith arises and fear is dispelled. Notice 2 Timothy 1:7, no, God is not given us a spirit of fear. That's not from God. No. God has given us a spirit of power and love and a sound mind. Look at David, what he wrote in Psalm 3. He wanted to speak of the adversaries and in faith, Psalm 3:1-3, where he wrote, "Oh Lord, how my adversaries have increased. Many are rising up against me. Many are saying of my soul, there's no help for him in God." Then notice his faith. "But You, Oh Lord, are a shield. You are a shield about me. You are my glory."
I love that phrase, you are my glory, you are the one that lifts my head. Something arises in the soul when you dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. Then it says, by way of promise, and He will guard you in all your ways.
C. He will guard you in all your ways
Notice verse 11 and 12. Now these verses might sound quite familiar to you because they're in the New Testament. Verses the 11 and 12. Therefore He will give His angels charge concerning you to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up on their hands lest you strike your foot against the stone. Well, when Jesus was beginning his ministry, he spent 40 days in the desert fasting and being tempted by the devil. In one of those temptings of the devil, the devil took him to the holy city and had Him stand on the pinnacle or one of the pinnacles of the temple. Then said to him, "Since you're the Son of God, throw yourself down, jump." After all, and then he quoted Psalm 91. Now, that is interesting. The devil uses the Scripture. Apparently he knows the Scriptures pretty well.
He says, "Since You're the Son of God, jump, did God not say He will give His angels charge concerning You to guard You in all your ways, to bury you up in their hands unless You strike Your foot against the stone? Prove it. Jump." Jesus answered powerfully. He said, "On the other hand, It is written, you shall not put the Lord or God to the test." Jesus answered Scripture with Scripture and gave us a great insight into Psalm 91.
Very important understanding because there are some who wrongly apply this Psalm and believe in a Jesus take the wheel kind of approach to life and put themselves in circumstances where God is forced to prove Himself by saving them out of it. Well, you put yourself in that circumstance. God's got to prove it by getting you out of it. Notice what Psalm 91 says, "God will give His angels charge concerning you." When you put God in that circumstance where you're testing God, He's got to prove you are the ones trying to command what God or His angels must do. No, He says, you abide in the shadow of Almighty and you'll find this, notice verses 14-15.
D. He will be with you in trouble
No, He will be with you in the shuffle. God will walk with you through it. Notice in verses 14-15 grand fidelity, He says, because He has known My name when you call upon Me, I will answer you and I will be with you in trouble. I will rescue you and I will honor you in it. Because you have known My name. When you call out to Me, I will hear you. I will deliver you, I will answer you. I will rescue you. I will honor you. Notice that God says, I will be with you in it.
Nowhere does God say that you will never have troubles. Jesus said, "In this world, you'll have many troubles, but take courage. I have overcome the world." David says, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me. The presence of God is everything. All of these promises are for those who abide in the shadow of the Almighty. God is inviting us to understand the intimacy of abiding and nearness to Him. God delights in those who delight Him. Those who want to abide in the glory of God, to be filled up with the fullness of God. For there in the presence of the Almighty, we are transformed by the glory.
Father, thank you. Thank you for showing us your glory, the invitation to John near to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, to abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Oh God, that sounds so beautiful. We hunger for that. We desire that, want to be filled up with the fullness of God, be transformed by your presence, our souls satisfied in you and you alone. Church, how many would say that to the Lord today, I want more of God in my life. I want to dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I want to abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I want my soul to dwell in that beautiful glory of God.
Do that in me, Lord. That is the desire of my soul. Church, is that your heart and desire? Would you say that to the Lord by just lifting your hand to Him, just giving Lord that declaration of your heart? That is my desire, God, to dwell in the shadow of the Almighty that my soul would be made on line in the presence of the King. Oh God, we love you and honor you today in Jesus' name. And everyone said, can we get all our praise and glory?